Sunny Florida is a popular place to retire, but it’s not the only option for active adults. While Florida is one of the best areas to take a tropical vacation, the cost of living is high and hurricane season’s weather brings a slew of problems for active adults and Florida residents alike.
Leaving the Sunshine State and its high cost of living behind, two of The Orchards Group’s residents relocated to Atlanta after 36 years in the Sunshine State. Vincent Fererra and his wife Myra relocated to The Orchards of East Cherokee, one of the top active adult Atlanta communities in Georgia. The couple adopted the rolling North Georgia hills, a more pronounced season change, proximity to family and a lower cost of living upon relocating.
In moving to East Cherokee, Vincent joined his sister Rosemarie , a resident since 2003. Upon visiting his sister, Vincent was impressed by the community. “The location and quality of the construction was what I was looking for,” he said.
Mountainous Georgia is a nice sight after the flat Florida landscape, too. “The change of seasons is a lot different, too, “he added. “We lived in Florida for 36 years, and the change in fall is a lot prettier here.”
From the condominium, “we can stand in the center and see out of all the windows. It’s very open and built close to a tree line, which borders the property and is very scenic,” he said.
Another great aspect of living in Orchards Group communities like East Cherokee is the social calendar of events. Neighbors especially enjoy having Vincent around because he is the unofficial social events coordinator. Where Social Director Stacy Wheelus leaves off, Vincent picks up. He most recently organized the Fourth of July ice cream social. Vincent has a Memorial Day BBQ and year-end banquet dinner in the works for fellow residents.